Improving Diagnostics, Communication, and Workflow in DSO Practices with AI Technology
AI-powered software analyzes 2D and 3D images based on scans of 10 million teeth to detect caries, bone loss, crown defects, etc., to improve...
AI-powered software analyzes 2D and 3D images based on scans of 10 million teeth to detect caries, bone loss, crown defects, etc., to improve...
Dr. Lou Shuman on LightForce, the only fully customized 3D-printed bracket system, that brings finish quality and efficiencies not seen until now.
Vigilant Biosciences’ BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ cancer-detection device could soon be used during appointments to detect biomarkers of early-stage...
Dr. Lou Shuman describes how UptimeHealth works: tracking device performance in real time, reducing equipment failure rates, and storing essential...
Dr. Lou Shuman describes how the OraQ Clinical Decision Support System boosts patient engagement, their dental health, and acceptance of treatment...